OFFICE CLOSED 7/2/25 : For today’s Staff Only Day, the school office is closed. All email and voicemail queries will be answered when the office reopens on Monday 10 February at 8am

This is a program that opens the gate between school and the world of work,  which allows students to gain experience in a local workplace.

The focus is to gain workplace industry credits. Topics covered in the classroom include (not limited to):

  • Site Safety
  • Customer Services
  • CV writing
  • Interview Skills 
  • Personal Career Planning.

Students spend one day a week out of school in the workforce, gaining relevant skills and experience.

The Gateway Programme is a structured workplace learning opportunity for senior students (Years 12-13). It is an opportunity for senior students to gain hands-on experience relevant to their field of study or in the industry, they want to work in when they leave school.

Enterprise Waitakere and Kelston Boys High School negotiate the placement of participating students with suitable employers. The safety of the learning environment is ensured and students are closely monitored whilst on Work Placement.

An individual Work Place Learning Plan will be designed for each student and will provide details of study and assessment in the workplace.

Students gain credits towards industry standards (NZQA) or National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEDA).


  • A realistic insight into working life and real work experience
  • An understanding of available opportunities and possible future career prospects
  • Placements could lead to an apprenticeship opportunity
  • Gain workplace confidence by applying theory and practical skills learned in the workplace
  • Practical work experience (highly valued by employers).
  • Credit achievement towards National Qualifications and NCEA

”This is not a work experience program, nor is it a program for underachievers. It is a program designed to assist schools to make learning relevant to the needs of all students, and to ensure that young people have a smooth transition from school to work.”