OFFICE CLOSED 7/2/25 : For today’s Staff Only Day, the school office is closed. All email and voicemail queries will be answered when the office reopens on Monday 10 February at 8am

Kelston Boys' High School Cellphone Policy  

Students are prohibited from using cellphones* at Kelston Boys’ High School during school hours (9am to 3.15pm Mondays to Fridays). If students bring their cell phones to school, they must be switched off and kept in their school bag. Students bring cell phones to school at their own risk. Kelston Boys’ High School accepts no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen student cell phones.  

In some of our classes, teachers may ask students to use their cellphones as cameras or calculators. Cell phones should only be seen if directed to do so by a teacher.  

If a student is observed using their cellphone during school hours, the cellphone will be confiscated by the staff member who has observed them. Student refusal to comply will result in escalation of disciplinary processes to the Senior Leadership Team. The staff member will hand the confiscated cell phone into the office, where it will be placed in an envelope with the student’s name on it and held in a secured area. The cellphone should be password-protected and turned off. 

1st Offence: The student picks up the cellphone from the front office at the end of the school day 

2nd Offence: The parent will be requested to pick up the cellphone from the school 

3rd Offence onwards: The parent will be requested to pick up the cellphone from the school, and this will be deemed continual disobedience with serious disciplinary action taken to be determined by the Principal on a case-by-case basis 

*The school uses the term “cellphones” to include cellphones and mobile phones 

Frequently Asked Questions:

● Can I listen to music? 
You can use your learning device (Laptop/Chromebook) to listen to music or for learning purposes when a teacher approves. Otherwise, headphones or earbuds should be kept from class. In a workshop, it is unsafe for students to have headphones on and students should wear appropriate safety equipment. 

● What about my smartwatch? 
Any smartwatch with cellular capabilities may be worn during regular school hours apart from during assessments. 

● What if my parents/caregivers need to contact me in an emergency? 
All communications should go through the front office in an emergency. 

● What if my boss needs to contact me about work? 
All communications should go through the front office, as per parental contact. 

● What if I don’t have a device? 
Kelston Boys’ High School is a BYOD school, and all students are expected to bring a fully-charged Chromebook or laptop to school every day. 

● Why is my teacher on their phone? 
Teachers will use their phones for administrative purposes where the situation requires a cell phone. For example, PE teachers - it is more practical to walk with cellphone rather than their laptops in the gym or a workshop for these duties.