OFFICE CLOSED 7/2/25 : For today’s Staff Only Day, the school office is closed. All email and voicemail queries will be answered when the office reopens on Monday 10 February at 8am

​​​​​​Vocational Pathways (VP) are available to Year 12 students and provide new ways to achieve NCEA Level 2 – the foundation for success in further education and the world of work.

The pathways help you see how your learning and achievement will be valued in the ‘real world’ when you look for a job and start your career.

Achieving Vocational Pathways means that you have developed skills and achieved in areas that employers value, and that you have skills and knowledge that are relevant to their industries.

Aims of the KBHS Vocational Pathways courses:

  • Allow students to gain NCEA Level 2
  • Allow students to have a course they can study at Level 3
  • Breakdown the barriers so students feel comfortable in the idea of attending tertiary institutions
  • Allow students to develop practical work skills
  • Allow students to develop contacts in the workforce so they are more likely to find a job in the future.
  • Improve student engagement in learning

Vocational Pathway courses take the place of one option subject. For the majority of the year, the student will be offsite for one day a week. The student will be responsible for getting themselves to UNITEC and the work sites when on work experience.

Vocational Pathways courses offered at KBHS

  • Building & Construction Vocational Pathways​​​​​​​
  • Automotive & Engineering Vocational Pathways
  • Health Vocational Pathways
  • Hospitality Vocational Pathways​​​​​​​