OFFICE CLOSED 7/2/25 : For today’s Staff Only Day, the school office is closed. All email and voicemail queries will be answered when the office reopens on Monday 10 February at 8am
A very warm welcome to our new students and whānau joining us in 2025.
We would like to wish all our current and new and returning students a very happy, safe and festive summer break.
Please find below the start of year important dates and information, uniform, and stationery. We will send out Y10 - Y13 student timetable information on 24 January 2025 in preparation for course counselling/confirmation days.
Term 1 is always a busy term with Athletics sports, Summer Tournament week and Polyfest to name a few. We encourage our boys to participate fully in these activities but also remember that their studies must be given top priority.
We have high expectations of our students and staff to be the best they can be, and I look forward to celebrating with the Kelston community the many successes that 2025 will bring.
Priority is given to the hauora and the safety of each student. A big part of this is each student being self-aware of their feelings and the feelings of those around them, to be prepared to look after himself, his property, the property of others and our environment.
Ngā mihi nui,
Mrs Blair | Principal
Bring Your Own Device - BYOD
KBHS is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school. Students needs to bring a device to school for learning. This means that our courses at every level have an online component and devices are used by students on a daily basis to access learning activities and resources. All information can be found through this link:
78 Archibald Road, Kelston, Auckland PO Box: 15-103, New Lynn, Auckland 0640